Do you sometimes feel like a lonely voice trying to expand awareness in your church about people without access to the Bible? Do you need help motivating your church to care about the millions of people in the world who have no way to hear about Jesus? Do you want to keep your own vision alive? Here are a few resources to help:
Organize a “No Bible Sunday”
This web site guides you through the process of setting up a Sunday at your church where the Bible cannot be used. It is designed to help people appreciate the value of Scripture in their own lives, churches, and cultures. It also serves to make people aware of others who live without the Bible and what they are missing.
Look on the Web
These sites from around the world are geared to motivate and equip churches for missions. There are many good ideas that can be adapted to your church as well.
Form a Missions Committee
If you can find several like-minded people motivated to reach African people groups for Christ, form a committee to help lead your church in its missions effort. Missions committees help bring awareness of missions issues to their church. They can also care for the missionaries sent out by their church. A mission committee is extremely helpful for a church to maximize the impact of its mission.