How can the Scriptures become available in the languages where they are still needed? This vital ministry can only happen through the work of a broad and skilled team. This includes translation team advisors, literacy workers, teachers, IT professionals, administrators, finance professionals and more. These staff positions can be filled by full or part-time volunteers or by staff members who have raised their financial support. Perhaps we could use someone like you! More about staff needed.

What Can Working Professionals Do? Never underestimate your ability to make an impact on the world through the job you already have! You can make a difference by motivating your church, praying, giving, and volunteering. Choose whatever catches your interest from our menu at the left. Contact Us if you need to know more.
Staff Members Raise Their Own Salary To learn more about the blessings of being financially and prayerfully supported by a team of sponsors, please read More About Support.
If you want to become more involved, please fill out a Preliminary Questionnaire so we can help you.